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Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Monday, June 28, 2010
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Monday June 21 - San Francisco
Today we took the trolley again but this time we went to Fishermans Wharf. We walked around there a bit and then headed over to the San Francisco Maritime National Park. It is the only floating National Park. We walked around on a few of the boats, took in beatiful views and Julia go another Jr Ranger Badge.
We hopped a trolley back to the hotel to get the car so we could go over to the Golden Gate National Park. We didnt find the visitor center for the Ranger badge quickly but we did find the SF Science Center in the park so we spent a few hours there. Planetarium, Aquarium and History Museum so it was fun.
The Science Center closed so we thought we better take the time to drive over the Golden Gate Bridge. Took a quick drive to the vista on the other side and then noticed Sausalito was just around the corner so we drove through there as well. No parking so we decided to to head back and eat at the hotel. Well, ended up coming back by way of Chinatown and were lucky enough to find a parking spot! Next to impossible. Had a great dinner at New Woey Loy Goey - you can see on the right side of the pic. Not really new - been there since 1934 said the sign. Then a few computer games at the hotel and bed. It was a great day. Julia and I both agreed the highlight of today was walking though the old sailing cargo ship from late 1800.
Tomorrow is Alcatraz and then out to hotel near Six Flags Discovery.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Sunday June 20 - San Francisco
So yesterday was a travel day. We left the boat, took a but to the airport, waited at the airport, took a plane to San Fran, took a train to the rental car station and then drove into town. Planes, trains, automobiles ............. Julia was a bit tired and slept until 10:30 this morning so needless to say we got a late start. Today we went to China town for lunch, DimSum, then rode the trolley down to the water and back towards the hotel. Got a glimpse of Alcatraz and the Golden Gate bridge. We spent much of the day just wondering Chinatown and had a great time tasting tea at a couple tea stores. Belly up to the 'tea bar' and they will serve you tastes of all sorts of teas in hopes you will buy some. We did get some tea and a small tea set. The trolley ride was fun too. We went by Lombard - the most crooked street - and the hills on the trolley were a kick.
Sunday June 13 - First day at Sea
I will try and fill in one or two Alaska days along with our current day over the next week.
To start with our first day at sea. 24 hours of 18-20 foot swells. Gale force winds. Not the best way to start. Almost the entire ship was ill - including the folks that worked on the ship. They said it was some of the worst weather seen in a while. We walked by the pool in the morning but the pool was half empty because the water had sloshed out! Lets just say Julia and I were never going on another cruise! So - not much on this day. We were in the room in bed most of the day. Heres one of the only pics- I went to get a movie from the front desk around 3:oo (since they were so short staffed they couldnt deliver movies to the rooms) and was gone all of 5 minutes. By the time I got back, Julia was sound asleep and slept for 2 hours. Yet we were both still able to go back to bed at 9:00 that night!
Saturday, June 12, 2010
On the ship!
Thursday June 10 - Heading Back to Seattle
Today we took our time and came back into Seattle. On the way back, we stopped at the Chittenden Locks. It was fun to watch the boats as they went through the locks. As a part of the locks, there is also a Fish Ladder where fish can migrate through the locks and the dam. Although its not quite time for big migration yet, we did see a few fish in the ladder. Picture poating not cooperating. Will have to try again later -
Friday, June 11, 2010
Mary Wilson at the Experience Music Project
Thursday, June 10, 2010
More Pics from Tues and Wed ........... - Mt Rainier
Tuesday June 8th and Wed June 9th - Mt Rainier

So Tuesday we were winging it! We didnt have a hotel for the night and werent really sure about anything except that we wanted to head to Mt Rainier. We checked out of our hotel in Seattle and went down to Laura and Gracies. We all hopped in Lauras car (me, Julia, Laura and Oliver). The sky was exceptionally clear and we had a great view of the mountain! So - off to the park we went.
In the park we hiked a small trail where we saw deer. The girls were thrilled. Then higher up we stopped to see a dam and a beautiful waterfall. We thought we should keep going for a bit longer to get up to Paradise so the girls could see snow. So we continued up to Paradise for a quick look. It was time to turn around since Laura had to get back home. So in a quick decision, we decided that Julia, Gracie and I would stay at the lodge in Paradise way up on the mountain. It was spectacular! It was clear, we played in the snow, had a nice dinner at the inn and then played some games in the lodge sitting area while someone played the piano. Someone else even joined in to sing. The lodge has been there since 1917 and they have not added some of the more modern items such as tvs and phones in the room and for sure no cell phone or internet connections! The view from the room was amazing! And - the pic posted is of Julia and Gracie leaning out 2 of the 3 windows in out room. It was a relaxing time!
Wednesday we played in the snow some more. The girls also spent some time with a park ranger and completed some activities to get a Jr Park Ranger badge from Mt Rainer. They really enjoyed it. Laura and Oli came back up to the inn and we went and checked out the visitor center before heading back down. Turned out Wednesday was rainy so all of the views were gone and it wasnt a great day for hiking so glad we did everything the day before. Cant thank Laura enough for being such a great host and showing us such a great time. We had a wonderful time just hanging with them today!
Of course Julia is sleeping again. We are keeping busy. And five pics is not enough for the last couple days so I am going to post a few more .................
Monday June 7 - Downtown Seattle
Monday Julia and I hung out downtown. It turned out to be a beautiful day. We went downtown to Pikes Market and spent quite a while wandering around. Had some great russian pastries for lunch and then when the sun came out in the afternoon, we took the monorail back towards the hotel and went up in the space needle. We caught the weather just right and it was nice and sunny when we made it to the top. And then of course we had to go back and try out the fountain again!
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Todays LOCATION was: We drove east with Gracie and Laura to see Snoqualmie Falls and just happened to drive back through Julias brother Dylans hometown of Issaqua.
The BEST thing today was: We saw a chocolate factory in Issaquah. They had really good chocolate.
The LEAST FAVORITE thing today was: We were in the car for a while driving today. But we got to see a cool waterfall!
The WEATHER today was: Rainy and a bit chilly. The mountains still looked great when we could see them through the clouds.
The PLAN for tomorrow: Still deciding! We may just hang out in the city another day. We still havent been to the top of the space needle. Hoping for nice weather!
Another cool thing from yesterday - We think we saw the cruise ship will be on for our trip to Alaska.
So - Julia was proving all sorts of input into todays post. Now, as I look over, she is out again! Its been a fun packed couple days (of course including swimming both days) and with the time change I am surprised she made it this long today!
Saturday in Seattle with Laura and Gracie! Yeah!!
Today was a great, busy day. We walked all over Seattle with Laura and Gracie. Saw the Space Needle, Pikes Fish Market and a whole lot of places in between! Even took a water taxi over to West Seattle and had a spectacular view of the city and mountains. Beautiful sunny day even! Julia and Gracie are sleeping hard at 10:00!
Saturday, June 5, 2010
The space needle
Friday, June 4, 2010
Checking in
Is that our fridge?
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